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I'm mad...

Photo by Rod Britain

Y'all... I'm mad. Every day, another picture like this, another story about graffiti in our National Parks, another person or people that seemingly don't care about the wild. And I am damn tired of it. The hardest part for me is rectifying how I can be so different from another human, that I would be concerned for dropping an orange peel out of my pack, but they think nothing of throwing diapers on the ground. When I don't like disturbing rocks, but they think its OK to scrawl their name into geological formations. When I enjoy the quiet of nature, but they carry a *&^ damn boom box on a trail. When I take close up pictures of flowers, but they run over them in a choking exhaust fumed ATV and laugh.

The only solace that I can muster, is that I simply don't know or associate with anyone that DOES these things. But you might. And this is where my post will ruffle some feathers. We (all of us) simply must start calling these people out. Confront them (safely, people have guns), call Park Rangers. Call the USFS. Call Park Stewards. And do it every time. I've been just as guilty, before. While I haven't looked the other way, my silence has enabled these users of the land and led them to believe that their actions, or inactions are OK. It's time to forget about any concept of 'snitching' and expose these people for what they are. Losers and users.

Now I'm no Edward Abbey. I don't advocate 'monkey wrench gang' type of justice or vigilantism. I believe in the order of law and that society has rules. But going forward, when I see environmental issues, like my friends have lately, I'm going to call them out.

Every time.


Native Southerner who relocated to the Sonoran Desert here in sunny Phoenix, Arizona.  Nature lover, avid hiker, adventurer and mountaineer.  Auburn graduate, husband, and father. Still learning everyday about myself, as well as the outdoors.

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