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Beatin' the Phoenix Heat: The Kachina Trail #150 (Flagstaff)

Where is it: Just north and west of downtown Flagstaff. In the Kachina Peaks Wilderness. Near AZ Snowbowl. Nirvana.

How do you get there: From Phoenix take I-17 north to Flagstaff. Then take US 180 in Flagstaff to AZ Snowbowl. There are signs everywhere.

TH Coordinates: 35.3273, -111.7114, ALL CARS OK, PAVED TRAILHEAD.

What kind of hike is it: The Kachina Trail itself is an out and back. It intersects with the Weatherford Trail at a trail junction. There are many opportunities to make this a loop hike, a more difficult hike, and even to summit Humphrey's Peak (Arizona's tallest mountain) via this trail.

How long is it: 11.58 miles RT.

Accumulated Elevation Gain: ~2045 ft.

What trails are involved: Kachina Trail #150

How long will it take: Between 5.5 and 7 hours. I took 4 hours 50 minutes. :)

Is it scary: No. There is no exposure and its mostly single track trail. There is one part in the trail about 1.6 miles or so from the trailhead that's a little confusing and you will need to pay attention to the trail.

What animals might you see: Mule deer, elk, whitetail deer, human hunters, numerous birds, Abert's squirrel (with the huge ears!).

Do I need water: Always take water and I'd take about 3-4L. There are no creeks or streams along this trail.

Who will like this hike: High country lovers, aspen lovers, big mountain lovers, amber waves of grain lovers.

@hikingjason rating: 5 hiking boots out of 5



Anyone that knows me knows that I am absolutely head over heels in love with Arizona's High Country, specifically Flagstaff. Flagstaff is a quintessential mountain town. It has literally EVERYTHING that I love, y'all. BIG mountains, snow, aspens, a university and all that comes with that, cool coffee houses, hiking gear stores galore, cool people. I could go on.

This was the second trail that I ever hiked in Flagstaff. I LOVE IT! You park at the Arizona Snowbowl, and the trail departs away from the area that would look like it would be to climb Agassiz Peak via the chairlift. The trail gradually winds its way through a STUNNING ponderosa pine and aspen forest. You need to see it for yourself, just how beautiful it is. Frankly, this trail is the first time that I really said, "Wow, Arizona"...

You'll go through forests, mountain meadows, rocky outcropping areas, it really has A LOT to offer, y'all. Eventually the Kachina Trail intersects with the Weatherford Trail. You can either turn around and go back the way you came, or you can continue on making a HUGE loop around all of the San Francisco Peaks or you could even summit Humphrey's via this trail, the Weatherford Trail or just go over to the Inner Basin, which OMG you guys is the Inner Basin beautiful.

Can you guys tell how much I love this trail!

I could look at pictures from this trail all day, so be sure and send me some of yours and let me know below how much you enjoyed this awesome trail too!

Flagstaff, I love you.


Native Southerner who relocated to the Sonoran Desert here in sunny Phoenix, Arizona.  Nature lover, avid hiker, adventurer and mountaineer.  Auburn graduate, husband, and father. Still learning everyday about myself, as well as the outdoors.

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