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Beatin' the Phoenix Heat: Woodchute Mountain (Prescott NF)

Where is it: In the Prescott National Forest and in the Black Hills Mountains just southwest of Jerome, AZ.

How do you get there: From Phoenix, take I-17 North to the Prescott exit. Go west. In Prescott Valley, take 89A to the Potato Patch Campground. 2WD/car fine! TH Coordinates: 34.7105, -112.1562

What kind of hike is it: Mostly an out and back although as a wilderness, you're free to explore out here wherever you want to go off trail. I did it as an out and back.

How long is it: 8.95 miles RT.

Accumulated Elevation Gain: ~1400 ft.

What trails are involved: The Woodchute Trail and some FRs (Forest Service Rd.)

How long will it take: Between 3.75 hours and 5 hours depending on your speed

Is it scary: Not in the least. This is Class 1 trail most of the way. It is off trail to the summit, but an almost flat hike to the summit once you crest the Woodchute Mtn. mesa.

What animals might you see: Coyote, mountain lion, mule deer, elk, Arizona black rattlesnake, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Gila monster, whitetail deer, human hunters, pronghorn antelope (yes!), beautiful bluejays

Do I need water: Always take water but there are several tanks out there that may contain water. All of them were dry when I went the first week of June 2016.

Who will like this hike: Peakbaggers that like obscure and unpopular summits. Wilderness lovers. Phoenicians beating the heat!

@hikingjason rating: 3 hiking boots out of 5

Some of us that live in Phoenix face a daunting dilemma every summer. It's pretty much head out of town to hike, or don't hike at all considering its probably already over 90 degrees by 7 AM in the summer here in Phoenix. For most of us hikers, we just gotta hike though so you gotta head north as we say here!

Some folks wanted me to feature some hikes to beat the heat and I included this one because its just one the borderline of being too close to north PHX to beat the heat, but it just does, primarily due to its elevation at 7000+ feet at the trailhead.

Woodchute Mountain stands 7860 feet tall. It's the tallest point in the Woodchute Wilderness. It's claim to fame is that it was almost completely cleared of all its timber in the Jerome Mine's heyday. Its name is because a chute was used to send wood down the mountain to run the smelter in the Jerome Mine. It's located in the Prescott National Forest, a VERY beautiful area that runs along 89A, the road that takes you to Jerome. You know the road that's very twisty and nausea inducing! :)

This would be a really cool hike to do with snow on it, especially if you're like me and have zero experience with Micro Spikes or snowshoes since it's rarely very steep or dangerous. And you could get used to your gear. I do give it 3 boots though just for the views alone. There are some seriously beautiful views(see picture 1 of this post) of Sedona, Mingus Mtn and even Humphreys Peak to be had here.

Let me know what you think about Woodchute!


Native Southerner who relocated to the Sonoran Desert here in sunny Phoenix, Arizona.  Nature lover, avid hiker, adventurer and mountaineer.  Auburn graduate, husband, and father. Still learning everyday about myself, as well as the outdoors.

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